This week I appear in your inbox with a bit of a different format. I made a “video journal” of the last few days working on projects for uni, crocheting & just doing normal life.
I forgot to record many times, but it was exciting to get out of my comfort zone and try out something new. Hope you like it!!
The video has no music, so that you can play your own music in the background <3
As you can see, I’m not publishing on Tuesdays any more. I’m changing it up a bit. I will publish different days of the week depending on that week.
Hope it’s okay for you!!! <3<3<3
I really really really appreciate the support you guys give me! A thousand thanks to you!!
L o v e d watching your video just now especially without any music, it's refreshing and motivating, as if I was sitting in the room with you.