014. how can I do all that in one life?
about wanting to do everything all at once + an update about the calendar (it's already available!)
again late but here we go!!!
I’ve lately been thinking a lot about what I want to do career-wise (I cringe with that word, I don’t know what else to call it). As you probably can tell, I’m as scattered as someone can get. I have way too many interests which I could do forever, and not enough time and energy to practice them while studying part-time.
I also struggle to finish things. I’m very good at starting things, having ideas, getting inspired. But if you constantly have new ideas and want to execute them, you have no more space for the old ones.
That’s probably why Instagram and I don’t get too along, I don’t know what to post if it isn’t a finished thing, but I barely finish things so what do I post!! I do, or did, enjoy sharing stuff, but it tended to get so formal, and since I now have this other channel I don’t feel the need to share on there too.
Anyway, a downside to being multi-passionate, as I like to call it, is that I can’t find the one thing to make money with and be happy with it forever. How do people do that???
I mean, you know how when you get interested in something, let’s say you want to improve your fitness, you research about it, learn the necessary and apply the knowledge? I’m unable to do that. I’ll research about it, fall in love with the topic, look for the optimal way to do it, make a Notion dashboard for it, get to know the science of things, learn all the details, binge-watch videos about the topic for a week and take a nutrition course too.
It gets too interesting. It’s like this for all of my interests and the new ones to come.
Some months ago, I came to the realization that I just won’t have one thing that I’ll love so much more that I would be fine leaving everything else behind. And that it doesn't need to be like that. It would be much easier, but I’m just not that way.
Unfortunately, there’s not really a job or career that fits this. I want to, though.
How cool would it be if you could change career every month? Now I’m a graphic designer and next month an event planner and the next one a fitness instructor, and then I sell crochet things, and after that, I build an app to learn languages.
How can I do all that in one life?
I realistically can’t.
So options are:
Picking one thing and doing it for a living, and do the rest during free time
The advantage is a stable income
The flaws are that there won’t be much energy and time left to go deep into every interest
Being scattered
Advantage: multipassionate dream
Flaws: unstable income, not enough hours in the day and days in the week.
The Hindu believe there are three types of people: Vata, Pitta and Kapha.
Simplifying it a lot, Vata is formed from air and is represented by a monkey. They’re creative, active minds that don’t rest. When it comes to work, Vatas learn quick and forget quick, and they have many interests.
According to this, success will come from rotating between different things:
Learning about this on this video by Dr. Alok Kanojia was fascinating, and it gave me a new perspective into how ‘success‘ can happen. I saw that it’s actually okay to not do one thing your whole life, or even in the same year.
If you’re interested, I recommend watching the video, it also talks about the Pitta and Kapha doshas.
Calendar update
I wasn’t too happy with the ‘organizational‘ version of the calendar, so I decided to redesign it. I did two other options, the two last ones here:
Still wasn’t too sure which one I liked the most, so I made a poll on Instagram and these were the results.
I ended up deciding to make all of them available, because there were enough votes for each, and it’s not too much extra work to include them all.
I was unable to put them on Gumroad (maybe I didn’t have enough patience), so I opened a profile on Ko-fi because it has more features (if I’m not too lazy I might bring the rest of the products over to Ko-fi).
The calendars are made through Gelato, which prints on demand. They can be sent almost anywhere in the world, but many countries’ shipping is quite expensive (around €17 only shipping 😳). I only added a few countries, so if you want to get the calendar and your country isn’t there, let me know and I’ll add it. Most European countries have standard shipping rate :)
Writing on here has been really cool so far, I feel like I’ve found something that I can actually stick to and enjoy every week. It’s really something where I can unify all my interests into one project, and I don’t feel so scattered.
I just want to thank you for being here! I appreciate it so much every time any of you read, like or comment on my posts. Thank you!
Are you multipassionate? Or do you have one big passion?
Do you feel identified with Vata?
How’s your week going?
I've read recently 'all my friends have created their own careers' which to me was incredibly inspiring because yeah, we can?
And jup definitely a Vata hahahah, going to look into this, thanks for sharing!